Ground In Your Values to Reduce Stress and Ignite Alignment Now By MaryBeth Hyland After 18 months of uncertainty, many of us thought there was a light at the end of the tunnel that’s now harder to find. The combination of work, home, health, and global unrest ignites fear – and stress is sure to […]

The power of self-awareness By Stephen Moffitt How often do we stop everything, close our eyes and listen to our inner self, our heart? The answer for most of us is somewhere between, “Not often” and “What are you talking about?” Life seems full of demands, events that happen or vaguely defined desires that never […]

The Quiet Hurdle of the Values Economy and How to Leap It By Jesse Wolfersberger As the world works on getting back to normal, it is impossible to ignore the shift that has occurred in the past two years. Consumers and employees want more out of the companies they work for and buy from. Our […]

A rockin’, humorous and innovative way to explore mental-wellbeing and celebrate World Values Day month. By Jack Terroni ‘Go quietly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there can be found in silence.’ I recall staring up at these words from the Desiderata as a child, mesmerized by this curious poster which adorned […]

Working in systems to address inequalities By Rob Webster I meet every new starter in my Trust as part of their induction. The focus is on the values of the organisation, which should be familiar as we recruit staff for their values, with a values-based induction and appraisal as a means of fostering the right […]

Life principles, human values, a pathway to a values-driven happy life By Patricia Berba These past two years of our life as dwellers of this planet have made many of us look at our own life, other people, and the world we live in from a different perspective, and hopefully, a renewed way of seeing […]

Why remembering the origins of your values is a source of strength By Nick Foster The past few years have been unusual to say the least. Disruptive. We are bombarded by instructions about how to keep safe. And constant updates about the number of people who got covid yesterday or the number of people who […]

Understand how a values-led approach can help you gain a better understanding and connection with your teenager By Gail Owen  “Your core values are the deeply held beliefs that authentically describe your soul.” John C. Maxwell Teen values during lockdown As a parent of two teenagers (one of each), who at this point in their […]

Using personal values to facilitate recovery and restoration in a post-pandemic world By Dr. Scott Lichtenstein The theme of this year’s World Values Day is Values and reconnecting. It is an opportunity for us all to reflect on our ‘inner compass’, especially our most deeply held invisible personal values that have a visible impact on […]

Reconnecting around mental health and wellbeing on World Values Day By Claire Farrow Connection is such a huge part of wellbeing at work. So, it’s a happy coincidence that the 4th annual MADWorld Summit on 21st October coincides with World Values Day 2021. Wherever you are on the workplace wellbeing journey, the agenda for this […]